Hi there!
Its my first journal for this semester & school year.
Many things have happened, many things have changed.
The earth's motion started with different schedules,
different people,
and most possible a new environment.
Change was sudden, I should have long been prepared. And so it starts...
I carve a face on my oh-so-busy mind
And flip! My thoughts jumble, my words jump.
I kept thinking hard lately
And I cant believe it'll possibly even be more challenging
People run a jolt, they come and go
With written scribbles & laughs in exchange
I developed fondness for a person & a stranger
As weird as it may seem I have liked what it felt
To be loved & be complimented
To feel a heart-warming desire
To feel fulfilled & adequate
To help & to be of service
I see the smiles on their faces
And the twinkle in their eyes
Their sweet gentle beaming
And their soft whisper "I am fine"
This is what I like to do.
And I tell myself most often,
I wanna be of service
For people who dig thru the sands of time
For the masses who have long waited
To restore a huge grin
To laugh genuinely
To feel accepted
The "thank you's" are all rewards
To hear that is music in my ears
I wanna feel this joy
I want this lasting feeling
Firsts are always scary
First are ultra challenges
But who cares?
We live and we learn...
& love the journey that awaits. ♥
8.42pm. 6.27.13